Double TV Appearance for The Lypiatt Hill Fuselage

We are excited to see our second feature on BBC Two’s My Unique B&B with The Lypiatt Hill Fuselage making an appearance on Friday’s episode (12/03/21).

Watch Master craftsman Simon visit the Fuselage while showing how people can create unique B&B spaces to help generate extra income.

A lil snippet…

“So, in we go.

… The curved, shaped glass and clever use of wood inside is breathtaking.

And straight away, the big wow factor is that window.

It’s really clever use of ply as a material in here. It’s got a very clean – cut edge, and it’s because it’s been computer-milled. Some people are not very fond of ply, they don’t think it’s a finished material, but I don’t think that’s true. This is a really good example of just utilising that material really, really well, and it’s finished with it.

It’s kind of simple but not simple at the same time”.

But it is not just one TV appearance for Lypiatt Hill’s Fuselage this week… Oh no…It was also featured in Escape to the Country’s Cotswolds episode broadcasted on the 9th March.

It really is great seeing such a positive response to our structures and the appreciation of the uniqueness they bring to any site.

Also check out our interview with Kate and Piers Dent, owners of Lypiatt Hill, and what the Fuselage has brought to their site.

If you are interested for more information or to look into what the Fuselage or any of our structures can bring to your site, please get in touch with the Tree Tents team by emailing