Hunt Gather Cook
Hunter Gather Cook: Adventures in Wild Food
While there's no doubt the world is a very different place to how it was 10,000 years ago, some things have remained the same. We are still hunter-gatherers, just like our ancestors. Our minds and bodies are designed to survive and thrive, allowing us to forage in highly complex, varied, and ingenious ways. We can observe the landscape around us and use it to our advantage, making fire and tools for hunting and fishing. But while most of us ignore our innate skills, choosing to forage for food in supermarkets, there are a growing number of people who are rejecting this in favour of reconnecting with past ways. They’re learning how to really enjoy their food from start to finish by creating the means to do so. They are growing their own vegetables, curing, preserving, brewing, even raising livestock. They are 21st-century hunter-gatherers. If, like them, you're uninspired by the mundanity of the weekly shop, care about where your food comes from, and wish to add excitement to the necessity of feeding and watering yourself, then this book is for you.
Contents include:
- Cold Smoking
- The Underground Oven
- Self-Feeding Fire
- Slow Cooking
- Butchering
- Carpaccio
It aims to set you on a fulfilling, lifelong path of culinary adventures and food DIY and show you how to embrace the lifestyle that surrounds the 21st-century hunter-gatherer. It will make wild food accessible to you and take away any sense of trepidation at making your first brew, burger, or carpaccio.
And if you're already a 21st-century hunter-gatherer, then it will help you to expand your culinary repertoire, taking your experimentation and enjoyment to the next level.
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Author: Nick Weston
Hardback. 248 pages